Art Exhibit


Fabric, thread, yarn, silk, paint; these are a few of the components used in of the art in “FABRIC-ATIONS” hosted by Friends of the Fallbrook Library from March 10 to May 2.

This collection of colorful, beautifully conceived and constructed pieces will delight everyone. Textile art is an age-old practice of creating beauty in what we use, what we wear and what we hang on our walls. Lucy Peterson Watkins, a fiber artist from northern Utah, put her background in graphic design and photography to good use to create hand-dyed fabrics, sewing them into intricate pieces that are in private collections nationwide. Kira Corser, Karen Malin, Karen Anderson, Julie Sanderson, all members of San Diego Silk Guild, paint original floral and fauna images onto silk with a light hand. Ariana Ayazi uses her sewing machine to embellish her paintings with colorful threads in a very contemporary way, marrying them into her work with elaborate stitchery. Noreen Ring creates rich colorful fabric quilt collages of wonderful design that embody energies that are full of life. Each of her pieces engage viewers with patterns, beads and are never static. Hajime Ohno and Carol Zaleski display textiles from other countries from their own collections. Hajime’s fabric prints on indigo are from Japan and Carol’s are intricate tribal weavings and embroideries from Afghanistan. Industrious rug hooking techniques by Pam Buchan and Shirley Stiewel, of North County Woolgatherers Rug Hooking Guild, take the looping of yarns to a whole new level. This unusual show is an eclectic array of amazing work of endless textile possibilities by extraordinary creators. The metal critters created by Dan and Dina Romero on the Reading Patio in their show called “Rust: To Start With” are a menagerie of mirthful creatures that will brighten your day and make you smile. The Romero’s have displayed in public places nationwide, and we are proud to have them exhibit with us.

Please join us for an artist’s reception on March 22 from 2 to 4pm
in the Fallbrook Library. We encourage you to wear your most artful clothing, mingle with the artists, enjoy light bites, listen to live music and prepare to be dazzled.
The library is located at 124 S. Mission Rd